How to Finally Rid Your Body of Fat

How to Finally Rid Your Body of Fat


Welcome to the journey of transforming your body and health! It's crucial to start with a clear understanding: there's no magic wand for spot reduction. Your body decides where to lose fat based on genetics and its own mysterious wisdom. But don't fret; there are effective strategies to encourage fat loss over mere weight loss. But first, let’s discuss why it is so important to understand the difference between weight loss and fat loss.

Fat Loss vs. Weight Loss

When we talk about getting in shape, it's vital to distinguish between losing weight and losing fat. Weight loss can mean losing water, muscle, and fat. However, what we're really after is fat loss, by preserving and even building muscle mass. Why? Because muscle acts as a metabolic powerhouse, driving the fat into mitochondria (the tiny metabolic engines within our cells) where it's converted into energy (ATP). Muscle tissue not only enhances your metabolism but also plays a crucial role in the overall health and function of your body[1]. Think of it in terms of adding more horsepower to an engine, whereby fuel gets used up faster!

The Most Important Exercise for Lifelong Fat Loss

Enter resistance exercise, the unsung hero of fat loss. Regular strength training – yes, lifting weights and/or using resistance bands – ensures you're not just losing weight but actually enhancing your body's ability to shed fat. Muscle tissue is metabolically active, meaning it burns calories even at rest. Without it, you're not only losing a key ally in fat loss but risking a slower metabolism and the dreaded rebound weight gain[2].

Hormones and Enzymes in Obesity

Our bodies are intricate systems influenced by hormones and enzymes. Insulin, for example, plays a pivotal role in fat storage, activating an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase - LPL which makes fat accumulation all too easy. This enzyme allows more fat to be formed within the fat cell and traps that fat in the process[3].  On the flip side, glucagon is the hormone that encourages fat breakdown, working against insulin to mobilize fat stores for energy by stimulating another enzyme called hormone sensitive lipase - HSL. HSL allows fatty acids to flow away from fat cells, becoming a potential energy source for the body[4]. Understanding this delicate balance is key to managing body fat[5].

Crafting the Perfect Hormone/Enzyme Response

Diet plays a monumental role in this hormonal ballet. Simple carbs (think of that cold breakfast cereal you ate when you were a kid) and sugars are the main culprits behind insulin spikes and subsequent fat storage. On the other hand, proteins can encourage the release of glucagon, aiding in fat mobilization. By keeping your carb intake below 50g/day and embracing intermittent fasting,  eating only within an eight hour window each day (16-8 rule), you can optimize your body's fat-burning capabilities. See the Carbs-to-Avoid chart below for a guide on which carbs to avoid.


Food Category


Reason to Avoid


White bread, Bagels, Most commercial breads

High in refined flours and sugars, leading to rapid spikes in blood sugar.


White pasta

Made from refined flour, lacks fiber, and causes quick insulin spikes.


White rice

Stripped of fiber, causing faster digestion and insulin response compared to whole grain varieties.


Most cold cereals, Instant oatmeal

Often high in added sugars and low in fiber, leading to quick digestion and blood sugar spikes.

Snack Foods

Rice cakes, Pretzels, Chips

Typically made from refined grains and can include added sugars, leading to rapid insulin release.

Sugary Sweets

Cookies, Cakes, Candy bars

High in sugar and often fat, contributing to significant insulin spikes and increased fat storage.


Soda, Sweetened coffee drinks, Fruit juices

Liquid forms of sugar that lead to quick absorption and insulin spikes.


Note: This chart is a guideline for those looking to manage insulin levels and reduce fat storage through dietary choices. It's important to balance your diet with nutrient-dense foods. Non-starchy vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats, and whole, unprocessed carbohydrate sources  have a lower impact on blood sugar and insulin levels.

Stress Less to Burn More

Stress isn't just a mental burden; it's a physical one too, especially when it comes to fat accumulation. Stress triggers the release of cortisol, which not only promotes fat storage, particularly in the belly area, but also breaks down muscle tissue through a biochemical process called gluconeogenesis. As you are now aware, losing muscle tissue ultimately lowers your basal metabolic rate (BMR)[6], or the total number of calories you are able to burn throughout the day.

Here Are 5 Ways to Reduce Stress and Promote Fat Loss

1) Regular exercise: Engages the body's relaxation response.

2) Mindfulness and meditation: Reduces perceived stress levels.

3) Quality sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours per night to restore body and mind.

4) Healthy diet: Supports overall health and stress reduction.

5) Take proven adaptogens: Ashwagandha, cordyceps, and panax ginseng, all found in the new LeafSource® Stress Complex, can help balance stress hormones[7].


In summary, the path to effective fat loss is not through quick fixes but through understanding and working with your body's natural processes. By focusing on muscle preservation through resistance exercise, managing your diet to control hormonal responses, choosing your carbs wisely or lowering their total count, and reducing stress, you're setting the stage for sustainable fat loss. Remember, it's a journey of consistency and patience, but the rewards are well worth the effort.




[1] Hargreaves, M. (2015). Exercise, muscle, and CHO metabolism. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 25 Suppl 4(S4), 29–33.

[2] Abou Sawan, et al. (2023). The health benefits of resistance exercise: Beyond hypertrophy and big weights. Exercise, Sport and Movement, 1(1).

[3] Walton, R. G., et al. (2015). Increasing adipocyte lipoprotein lipase improves glucose metabolism in high fat diet-induced obesity. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 290(18), 11547–11556.

[4] Rashid, N., & AL-Zarouni, M. (2013). Hormone-sensitive lipase – quantitation of enzyme and mRNA in small biopsies of human adipose tissue. Hamdan Medical Journal, 6(3), 347.

[5] Qaid, M. M., & Abdelrahman, M. M. (2016). Role of insulin and other related hormones in energy metabolism—a review. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 2(1).

[6] Romero-Romero, E., et al. (2023). Academic stress, hair and saliva cortisol, and their relationship with body mass index and fat percentage in first year medical students. Physiology International, 110(3), 277–290.

[7] Dobrek, Ł. (2019). The outline of stress pathophysiology and pharmacodynamic action of plant-based eustressors - adaptogens. Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski: Organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego, 46(273), 103–108.

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