

Try LeafSource®... And Feel Good Again

LeafSource® Humic Fulvic Acid Complex is like a gift to you by mother nature. Humic-Fulvic Acid Complex is a nutrient discovery with a perfect combination of naturally occurring organically bound Trace Minerals, Vitamins, Amino Acids, SOD, Plant Enzymes and so much more...... Feel good again.

"You'll feel the difference or I will give you your money back!"

- Brad King, MS, MFS

Awaken Your Body With Humic-Fulvic Acid Powder!

No Binders, Fillers, Synthetics
or Preservatives

Every bottle contains the highest quality Humic-Fulvic Acid Complex - guaranteed!

Cold Water Extracted

LeafSource® uses a cold-water extraction process to extract the humic and fulvic acids so you receive only the purest powder possible.

North American Harvested

Location matters whenever you searching for the best nutrients. Some ingredients taken from the overseas can be infected by so many health concerning toxins. The LeafSource® humic and Fulvic Acid powder is harvested in North America from a pristine untouched exclusive reserve. Its always 3rd Party tested
to make sure there is only humic and fulvic acid inside.

Packed With Naturally Occurring Nutrients

Humic and Fulvic powder contains Trace Minerals, Amino Acids, Vitamins, Prebiotics, Enzymes and so much more.

LeafSource® Humic-Fulvic Acid Complex Nature's Timeless Dance for Your Cells!

Centuries in the Making: The Power of Humic-Fulvic Acid

Welcome to the mix of old knowledge and modern nutrition! LeafSource® Humic-Fulvic Acid Complex is a nutrient powerhouse that gives your cells what they need to function optimally. Discover how the past can boost your health today.

What are Humic and Fulvic Acids?

Humic and fulvic acids are like nature's special leftovers
from broken-down plants. Think of them as the most precious nutrients from the earth. But, not all of these acids are the same. Some are better for our health than others, and it depends on where they come from and how long nature takes to make them.
The highest quality ancient organic acids come from plant species that existed many millions of years ago, and have broken down or decomposed because of the perfect combination of microbes (soil based organisms) from the soil, and the environment at the time.
To understand these ancient organic acids, let's first talk about soil. Soil is a mix of:

  • Tiny rocks and minerals: 45%
  • These special organic acids: 5%
  • Air: 50%

When plants die, they start to decompose and ferment in
the soil. Bugs and other small creatures also add to this mix. The health and type of soil depend on a lot of things like the amount and type of soil-based organisms (these are the critters responsible for breaking down the organic matter), weather, air, water, and pressure (how deep they are buried). Good soil can help more plants grow. The way the land lies can also affect these acids.

Nature likes to work in harmony. For the highest quality organic acids to be created within the soil, everything needs to come together in perfect balance. Old plants, bugs, and other tiny creatures need to work well together.

Humic and fulvic acids are the most important parts of soil. This nutrient rich dark soil offers many good things like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, prebiotics, enzymes, etc. When these acids are in the soil, plants soak up these goodies. So, when we eat these plants, we get those nutrients too.

As we all know, much of our soil is not what it used to be due to over-farming and pesticides being used to keep up with the on-going food-scarcity issues.

The humic and fulvic acids found in LeafSource® Humic-Fulvic Acid Complex are from our exclusive land that has not been exposed to the industrialization of our time. In fact, LeafSource® Humic-Fulvic Acid Complex has been geologically confirmed to be almost 100 million years old.

Most of the other humic-fulvic acid products we buy have either humic or fulvic acid, but not both. This is because many humic-fulvic acid products have gone through a particle separation, where the larger molecules of humic acid have been siphoned away from the smaller molecules of fulvic acid.

This means most humic-fulvic acid formulas available today are not delivered in natures optimal ratios – 70% fulvic acid/
30% humic acid. Synergy is the key to the maximum health benefits when it comes to humic and fulvic acids, which is why LeafSource® Humic-Fulvic Acid Complex is delivered as a “complex”, as opposed to isolated humic or fulvic acids. 

LeafSource® Is 100% Bioavailable

Step into a journey to enhance your overall perception of nutrients with our carefully crafted holistic blend. This potent discovery contains essential nutrients such as trace minerals, amino acids, collagen, vitamins, and minerals, all working together to naturally.

Discover that our blend seamlessly infuses elements, promoting a sense of balance. Prioritize your nutrients with this thoughtfully created blend designed to make you appreciate Mother Nature’s offerings.


Only available in the USA - Free Shipping on all orders from the USA. Go to www.leafsource.com

Only Available In The USA - Free Shipping On All Orders From The USA

LeafSource® 100% Cold Water Filtration

LeafSource® uses a Cold Water Extraction technique for a Pure, Clean, and Nutritional Powerhouse as nature intended

The World’s Richest Reserve Of Humic Fulvic Acid Complexes

Most humic or fulvic acid supplements have the challenge of irregular sourcing. But LeafSource® Humic Fulivc Acid Complex comes from one specific reserve, a privately owned site of extremely rich humic and fulvic acids that have a long history of human consumption. No other supplement can claim to have the same unique properties instilled by nature over millions of years.

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