As the world starts to settle down from all the fear and confusion brought about over the past few years, there are many questions that have risen from the ashes of this confusion. One of these questions surrounds these mysterious spike proteins we keep hearing about. Spike proteins are believed to be the key drivers of a certain virus we dare not mention (just kidding, you all know I’m referring to COVID-19) and the myriad problems that seem to follow it everywhere it goes.
What the Heck are Spike Proteins?
Spike proteins are specialized proteins that are found on the surface of viruses. It is believed that these proteins enhance a virus's ability to infect host cells by binding to specific receptors on the host cell's surface. The protein responsible for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19 is called an S spike protein.
This S protein is how the virus binds to the ACE2 receptor on human cells. Without it, the virus would not be able to enter a healthy cell, transmit its genetic components and replicate to cause an infection. The S protein is quite attracted to the ACE2 receptor, which explains why the virus has such an easy time infecting human cells.
Aside from the actual infection that causes the flu like symptoms, recent research suggests the spike proteins may also be one of the main reasons that some people experience further health complications associated with COVID-19. For instance, the spike protein can cause an exaggerated immune response (autoimmunity) in some people, which can lead to advanced complications. One of these complications is lung inflammation, which often leads to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
Some COVID-19 infections have been known to lead to the formation of blood clots (leading to blocked arteries), which again is believed to be due to the spike proteins and their ability to bind to blood platelets and disrupt healthy blood clotting activity.
Even though it is generally accepted in medical circles that spike proteins play an important role in a virus's ability to infect human cells and lead to severe disease, it is important to note that more research is needed to fully understand the role these spike proteins play in the development of COVID-19-related health complications.
Can Nature Help?
Humic and fulvic acids are naturally occurring substances containing the genetic information from ancient rainforests that existed millions of years ago. They are truly miraculous molecules, as they require the perfect ratio of beneficial microbes called soil-based organisms (SBO’s) to be formed. These SBO’s are the probiotics of the plant kingdom and they are responsible for recycling organic matter that are no longer living. In other words, they are formed as organic matter decomposes over time.
It is important for humic fulvic acids to be consumed as a complex, as these organic acids are found together in nature and nature always works in synergy. These humic fulvic acid complexes contain 77 organically-bound trace minerals, 17 amino acids, 9 vitamins and countless other organic compounds needed for optimal health. They have been shown to have numerous health benefits including but not limited to; increasing energy, modulating immunity, reducing inflammation, joint pain relief, supporting gut health and helping cells detox, just to name a few.
Aside from these incredible benefits, humic fulvic acid complexes have the ability to aid in the removal of spike proteins from the body. Since spike proteins derail the immune systems ability to fight viruses, humic-fulvic acids are incredible anti-viral agents.
Research supports the assumption that humic fulvic acids may be able to assist the body in eliminating these spike proteins. One study showed mice that were fed fulvic acid over a two-week period increased their levels of antibodies capable of combating viruses. Another study indicated that mice given humic-fulvic acid complexes, showed less spike proteins in their bodies, indicating a removal of the spike proteins. This study and others suggest a combination of humic and fulvic acids (humic-fulvic acid complexes) are needed to help the body with virus removal.
Although more research is needed to confirm the effects of humic fulvic acid complexes on spike proteins, the findings of these studies suggest that these natural substances may be exactly what the body needs to rid itself of these spike proteins and other harmful pathogens. If you want to try a supplement that contains humic-fulvic acid complexes, make sure the product is water extracted and comes from a proprietary and tested reserve within North America.
The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 - The target of the virus by SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 (https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240003324)
Spike protein as a target for COVID-19 therapeutics by ACS (https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/pressroom/newsreleases/2021/march/spike-protein-as-a-target-for-covid-19-therapeutics.html)
The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 and its potential role in the development of thrombosis by Nature (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-22107-x)
Chan, S. K., & Ye, M. (2020). Spike Proteins: The Key to Understanding the Coronavirus Pandemic. Frontiers in Immunology, 11, 512. https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2020.00512
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