News — Spices

Unlock the Secret to Youthful Vitality: How Your Cooking Techniques Can Slow Down Aging

Unlock the Secret to Youthful Vitality: How Your Cooking Techniques Can Slow Down Aging

Unlock the Secret to Youthful Vitality: How Your Cooking Techniques Can Slow Down Aging Brad King, MS, MFSSummer is almost here, so it’s time to spark up the BBQ, or is it? What if I told you, barbecuing your favourite foods could wreak havoc on your lifespan! It’s true, high heat cooking, especially exposing protein and fat to an open flame, can cause a nasty reaction that is easily transferred to your cells, just by eating overcooked food – read on…Just like high heat from that BBQ causes your favourite foods to turn dark and crispy on the outside (bring...

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