News — shilajit

Cellular Energy: The Key to Health, Vitality, and Longevity

Cellular Energy: The Key to Health, Vitality, and Longevity

Cellular energy is the backbone of life, and without it, well… nothing really works. So let’s dive into what cellular energy is, how it’s produced, and how two powerful nutrients—CoQ10 and shilajit—can help you keep your energy engines running efficiently for a longer, healthier life.

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Shilajit and Humic-Fulvic Acid – What You Need to Know

Shilajit and Humic-Fulvic Acid – What You Need to Know

 North American Shilajit, with its origins dating back nearly 100 million years, is rich in humic and fulvic acids—substances that have played a significant role in traditional medicine across cultures for millennia.

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Cracking the Biological Aging Code  - Brad King, MS, MFS

Cracking the Biological Aging Code - Brad King, MS, MFS

Enter David Sinclair, the maverick researcher who has forever changed our understanding of aging with his ground-breaking book, Lifespan[3]. Dr. Sinclair's work focuses on a set of genes called sirtuins. Sirtuins happen to be one of nature’s most prominent emergency switches responsible for controlling the speed of our biological clocks.

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Embracing the Primordial Nutritional Boost: Humic and Fulvic Acids - Brad King, MS, MFS

Embracing the Primordial Nutritional Boost: Humic and Fulvic Acids - Brad King, MS, MFS

"Some humic and fulvic acid reserves contain upwards of 77 trace minerals in their highly effective organic form, acting as nature's unparalleled multi-mineral supplement."

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